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Chicago Photos. Adler Planetarium Images. Color Images of Chicago. National Historic Landmarks. Chicago Architecture Photos. Chicago Skyline Photo. Chicago River Pictures. Pictures of chicago neighborhoods. Chicago pictures today, Pics, Shots, Img, Color

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  1. Its value as an example of the architectural, cultural, economical, historical, social, or other aspect of the heritage of the City of Chicago Photos, State of Illinois Images, or the United States;
  2. Its location as a site of a significant historic event which may or may not have taken place within or involved the use of any existing improvements;
  3. Its identification with a person or persons who significantly contributed to architectural, cultural, economic, historic, social, or other aspect of the development of the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, or the United States;
  4. Its exemplification of an architectural type or style distinguished by innovation, rarity, uniqueness, or overall quality of design, detail, materials or craftsmanship;
  5. Its identification as the work of an architect, designer, engineer, or builder whose individual work is significant in the history or development of the City of Chicago, the State of Illinois, or the United States;
  6. Its representation of an architectural, cultural, economic, historic, social, or other theme expressed through distinctive areas, districts, places, buildings, structures, works of art, or other objects that may or may not be contiguous;
  7. Its unique location or distinctive physical appearance or presence representing an established and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood, community, or the City of Chicago.