Travel Photos Chicago, An Architect’s Guide to Chicago A backroom beer bar, historic hotels, and the boat tour worth taking, Micro-stock photos of Chicago. City Pictures. Park Shots.

Travel Photos Chicago, An Architect’s Guide to Chicago A backroom beer bar, historic hotels, and the boat tour worth taking, Micro-stock photos of Chicago. City Pictures. Park Shots.

Best Places to see in Chicago. Vacation Photos. Stock Photos for free - Chicago City. Chicago Boat ride photos. Chicago Land. Vacation Rentals Photos.

The historic Palmer House Hilton (17 E. Monroe St.; 312-726-7500) is so classy and beautiful - historic photo collection.

The Ambassador Hotel (1301 N. State Pkwy; 312-787-3700) in the Gold Coast neighborhood is one of Chicago’s first boutique hotels where big stars like Frank Sinatra, Humphrey Bogart, and Marilyn Monroe used to stay. Hotel Photos. 

Chicago Boat Tour Photos, Travel Guide, Chicago City Guide