Duluth Glensheen Mansion Visitor guide. Glensheen Mansion Photos. Historic Congdon Estate Images. Duluth Depot Photos. Ride a Train in Duluth. Travel guide. Vacation, How to spend Holiday in Duluth

Duluth Glensheen Mansion Visitor guide. Glensheen Mansion Photos. Historic Congdon Estate Images. Duluth Depot Photos. Ride a Train in Duluth. Travel guide. Vacation, How to spend Holiday in Duluth

Glensheen Mansion visitor guide, tickets, photos. History to know.

Glensheen Mansion is a 39-room mansion on the shore of Lake Superior in Duluth, MN. Duluth Travel Guide. Duluth Vacation Guide. In May 1905, construction of the family home began on the 22-acre (89,000 m2) tract of land along the shore of Lake Superior. It was to be named "Glensheen", with a hefty price tag of $854,000 (estimated $23.7 million in today's dollars).[when?] Construction ended in February 1908 - the family had moved in a few months prior. Features of the turn-of-the-century mansion included hot water, electricity, and irrigated grounds from nearby Tischer Creek. Glensheen Historic Estate is now owned by the University of Minnesota-Duluth and is open to the public year-round for tours.

Glensheen Mansion is a 39-room mansion on the shore of Lake Superior in Duluth, MN

Duluth Travel Guide, Vacation Rentals in Duluth MN

Visit Glensheen Mansion is a 39-room mansion on the shore of Lake Superior in Duluth, MN

Duluth Architecture, Glensheen Mansion, Lake Superior in Duluth, MN

Duluth mansion Images

Duluth Mansion, Glensheen Mansion is a 39-room mansion on the shore of Lake Superior in Duluth, MN

Duluth Travel Guide, Duluth Visitor Guide, Trip To Duluth

Glensheen Mansion is a 39-room mansion on the shore of Lake Superior in Duluth, MN

See Glensheen Mansion, perched on the shore of Lake Superior, is the most visited historic home in Minnesota. 12-acre estate features gardens, bridges, and the famous 39-room mansion built with remarkable 20th-century craftsmanship, telling the story of the Duluth region.

A water reservoir was developed to supply the estate. This reservoir was gravity-operated and it was used for the fountain with enough pressure to propel the water almost 75 feet in the air. It is no longer in use. Glensheen’s main house has 39 rooms and covers 27,000 square feet of living space.