British Columbia Travel Guide. Visitor guide to British Columbia. City of British Columbia what to explore, to see, to do, eat. British Columbia Hotels. Fly to British Columbia. Vacation Packages for British Columbia. British Columbia Vacation Rentals. Co
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British Columbia is a diverse and cosmopolitan province, drawing on a plethora of cultural influences from its British, European, and Asian diasporas, as well as the Indigenous population. Though the province's ethnic majority originates from the British Isles, many British Columbians also trace their ancestors in continental Europe, China, and South Asia.[13] Indigenous Canadians constitute about 5 percent of the province's total population. Christianity is the most subscribed religion, although the number of British Columbians who claim no religious affiliation whatsoever is high by Canadian standards.[14] English is the common language of the province, although Punjabi, Mandarin Chinese, and Cantonese also have a large presence in the Metro Vancouver region. The Franco-Columbian community is an officially recognized linguistic minority, and around one percent of British Columbians claim French as their mother tongue.[15] British Columbia is home to at least 34 distinct Indigenous languages
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British Columbia City Tours and Vacation Rentals at TrvBay.com
British Columbia City Travel Guides at Troiki.com
British Columbia Travel Guide. Visitor guide to British Columbia. City of British Columbia what to explore, to see, to do, eat. British Columbia Hotels. Fly to British Columbia. Vacation Packages for British Columbia. British Columbia Vacation Rentals. Cost Of Living. British Columbia Tour Guide. History of British Columbia and Architecture. British Columbia Travel Photos.
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