Artwork - Dissident artist Ai Weiwei is famous for conceptual artworks that challenge authority and explore the links between the contemporary world and traditional Chinese culture. His photographs, sculptures, films, performances, and installations
Dissident artist Ai Weiwei (Artwork, Stock Photos) is famous for conceptual artworks that challenge authority and explore the links between the contemporary world and traditional Chinese culture. His photographs, sculptures, films, performances, and installations earned high level appreciation.
Ai Weiwei Portrait - Artist/Activist - Street Art Sticker - Hand Drawn Illustration
Stock Photos, Ai Weiwei Prints, Photos, Pictures. Vacation Rentals at TrvBay.com and Trip Vacation Photos at Pixarik.com
show at a major institution:
Tate Modern, Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), Louisiana Museum of Art, K20 Grabbeplatz, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Mori Art Museum, Haus der Kunst, Jeu de Paume, Brooklyn Museum, Perez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), MASS MoCA
Stock Photo, Photo Prints at https://www.pixarik.com
Art Vintage Pictures: the most famous photos only.